Saturday, January 23, 2021






                                        Anil K Khaware




This has happened again. This is continued unabated. The moot point is how long the 'civilized society' shall take recourse to sadistic pleasure in attacking animal as large and benign as Gajraj, which is the repository and beauty of animal kingdom both in terms of size and its integrating nature. . How long we shall continue to write "epitaph' of this unique animal and boast of civility despite the gruesome acts of one of us?  How and why the humans could claim being 'most advanced race' if the dastardly act continues.

I cannot resist the urge to pen the pain, agony and relentless trauma sustained by the elephant before succumbing to the attack of burning tyres hurled at it. The human compassion and lack of it shall take such brazen route for sadistic pleasure is shocking. Not only the elephant has lost life in such a gruesome manner, but our callous indifference towards biotic life speaks volumes. The philosophy of “Nature Man Spirit Complex” is in jeopardy.

That the elephant is again the target of street mongers in Tamil Nadu and the brazen act of hurling of burnt tyres on elephant and the elephant was made to die after relentless pain in ear when the burnt tyre remained engulfed in the ear of elephant for long. The incident of Masinaguri, Nilgiri in Tamilnadu is alarming. The Elephant was stated to run around due to writhing with pain and the burnt injury spread other parts of its body and the picture went viral in social media. During treatment the Elephant has succumbed to injury.     The agony and trauma due to hurling of burnt tyres that lead to killings of this benign animal is nerve wrecking. A Forest Ranger was seen weeping by holding the trunk of the elephant is another side of the story.


This has ruptured my soul beyond redemption. This benign animal, of late is suffering enormous cruelty and the vindictiveness of some segment of society is not understood. What has happened in Kerala and elsewhere and now in Tamil Nadu, shows a pattern. The elephant is now bordering on being “endangered” due to the act of 'civilized society'. The Elephant is part of our culture, ethos and across the globe, recognition of India is through Elephant. The nation resonates with it. The Elephant in any case symbolizes the deity "Ganesh' which is symptomatic of piousness.

In June 2020 , we know what had happened in Kerala causing immense distress to mankind. In fact, I wrote then to shri Prakash Javadekar, the hon’ble Minister of Environment & Forests and Climate Changes. The letter dated 05.06.2020 is reproduced herein for ready reference:



The response was also promptly received from the hon’ble Minister. After a while, even the project elephant division was refurbished. The current episode however suggest that needful has to be done in the right earnest. The response from the hon'ble minister was as under :- 


I fail to comprehend as to when shall we wake up and why the Elephant is not treated as Tiger or other endangered species. Wild Life is as important for ecology as human life is. Therefore, it is time elephant is declared as endangered animal of the highest order and punishment should be prescribed as per Wild Life Act

NEED OF RFEVAMPING of Wild life Protection Act 1972

The Wild Life Protection Act 1972 as amended periodically probably needs further amendments. Though, There are Six (6) amendments already carried out. Though, the Act is perceived as strong, but there has been impediment as regards implementation of its provision and execution. There is another aspect to it. The Article 48 A of the Constitution of India, entails and casts duty on its citizen to safeguard and protect wildlife and environment. This was done in 1976 and by way of 42nd Amendment and as per Part IV of the constitution relating to directive principles of state policy. Moreover , Part-IV A was also included in the constitution captioning as fundamental duties. Section 51 A included some fundamental duties and people of the country is expected to adhere to that. Pertinently, protecting and improving the environment so as to make a better environment available to the future generation. When we speak of environment, in fact, it is the biosphere comprising of various ecosystem such as Land Ecosystem, Aquatic system and sub-systems such as  Sea Ecosystem, Lake Eco system, River Ecosystem, Forest Eco system etc. This is aimed at fostering sense of belonging understanding environment and compassion towards the living organism.

Our country is quite rich in variety of natural resources and vast species of animals and plants has its habitat here. The seasonal fluctuation and vast land mass ensures the variety. Wild life is required to co-exist with the humans for a proper and sustainable development. We should cherish and try to conserve and protect our resources for the very existence of mankind. The WLA has certain stringent provisions and presumption of guilt being one. Section 51 of the Wildlife Protection Act (WLA) contains the mode and manner of trial. Section 50 of Wild Life Act relegates the section 457 of Cr.P.C so as to prevent any stumbling block. Though section 451 of Cr.P.C shall have applicability. We may not be oblivious to the fact that human beings, if aggrieved shall have the recourse of law, but the animal cannot seek justice for itself. In this backdrop, law and its smooth implementation is a must. It is therefore bounden duty of every citizen also to ensure that the animals are protected.

The very development index of a nation and society shall also be indicated by its wildlife as man and wild life goes hand in hand and they are interdependent. This is imperative for the balanced ecosystem. The wildlife has organic linkage in the ecosystem and therefore protection of it is a sine qua non, as illustrated above, Article 48 A of the Constitution of India enjoins by way of Fundamental Duties need of protection of wild life. The Wildlife Protection Act with suitable amendment may prevent the endangered species from extinction.


The pivotal position of Gajraj or Gajendra is part of Puran, a sacred book in Hinduism. The Moksha or liberation of Gajendra finds mention in the 8th skandha of Bhagwat Purana. This is reflective of one of the famous exploits of Bhagwan Vishnu. It is believed that Lorrd Vishnu had to came down to earth to protect Gajendra, the elephant from the clutches of Crocodile and with Vishnu’s help, the Gajendra attained salvation i.e considered to be liberation from the cycle of  birth and death. The Gajendra has thus attained a form like that of the god (Saryupa Mukti) and went to Vaikuntha with Vishnu. The earth avatar of Gajendra if meets with such a fate, it is disgusting and heart writhing. The suitable amendment in wild life law is a need of the hour. The Project Elephant deserve to get as adequate attention as “Project Tiger” was accorded in 1972 and the offender should be dealt with more severely and no such acts are worthy of tolerance, lest, this callousness may only increase. 



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