Tuesday, January 31, 2023




Whether payment of interim compensation to the complainant is mandatory?

The Section 143- A of Negotiable instruments Act 1881 is inserted in the Act, prescribing the interim compensation to the complainant to the extent of 20 percent value of the cheque amount which may be the subject matter of a complaint u/s 138 of Negotiable Instruments Act. Initially, the vexed issue was whether the operation of the said provision shall be prospective or retrospective. It was finally resolved in much as the provision shall be prospective in nature i.e the applicability of section 143 A shall not relate to complaints filed earlier , but only after the provision is found place in the statute book. It is a settled proposition in law that unless so specified, the law shall be prospective in nature. The law enunciated in this regard shall also be dealt in the discussion that shall follow further.

That said, another dimension arose as regards whether the interim compensation of 20 percent of the cheque amount payable to the complainant is mandatory or directory. If it is directory, the discretion of awarding the interim compensation shall be vested in the courts of Magistrates who are empowered to try the case under section 138 of Negotiable instruments Act which relates to bouncing of cheques. In case it is not mandatory then in that event, only in apt case or cases a magistrate may direct the accused to pay interim compensation and not as a rule. The endeavour herein shall be to traverse into the judicial precedents in this regard. Of course, the law itself is nascent, as the insertion of section 143-A in the Act dates back only to 2018.
It shall be apposite, thus, to first reproduce to the provision for facilitating the further discourse.

The backdrop

The prelude to the Section 143-A of the Act shall have to be seen through the legislation. The Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, while replying to the discussion in parliament had stated that Members had generally expressed their views on this Bill and everyone has said that earlier when cheques used to bounce, then people used to fear. Now there are about 16 lakh cases of cheque bounce in the subordinate and district courts in the entire country and of these, about 32 thousand cases have gone upto the High Courts. By virtue of the provision enacted it will be ensured that such cases do not go up to High Courts. Thus, an amendment was brought in it so that in commercial transaction cases or even in the ordinary individual complaints, public benefit from it. The cheques issued by businessman or general public are dishonoured, thus, ways are to be found about it and to reduce the instances of cheque bouncing. If provision to this effect is enacted, both the businessmen as well as common people shall be benefited. Even the Government's cheques will not bounce. No doubt, the form of Government Cheques has already been prescribed by the RBI, still, sometime due to the mistakes or clerical error the cheques are bounced. This Bill has been brought so that such situations do not emerge. The Minister had thus proposed passing of the Bill. The Bill has now become part and parcel of Negotiable Instruments act 1881 as Section 143-A.

The Section 143-A of the Negotiable Instruments Act was inserted by Act 20 of 2018 and was brought into effect from 01.09.2018 onwards. It will be relevant to extract the reply given by the Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance, while replying to the parliament, on the debate that took place at the time of introduction of the Bill through which this amendment was brought in.

The provision of section 143- A of Negotiable Instruments Acts are iterated as under- 

"143A. Power to direct interim compensation (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the Court trying an offence under Section 138 may order the drawer of the cheque to pay interim compensation to the complainant-

(a)     in a summary trial or a summons case, where he pleads not guilty to the accusation made in the complaint; and

(b) in any other case, upon framing of charge."

(2) The interim compensation under sub-section (1) shall not exceed twenty percent of the amount of the cheque.

(3) The interim compensation shall be paid within sixty days from the date of the order under sub-section (1), or within such further period not exceeding thirty days as may be directed by the Court on sufficient cause being shown by the drawer of the cheque.

(4) If the drawer of the cheque is acquitted, the Court shall direct the complainant to repay to the drawer the amount of interim compensation, with interest at the bank rate as published by the Reserve Bank of India, prevalent at the beginning of the relevant financial year, within sixty days from the date of the date of the order, or within such further period not exceeding thirty days as may be directed by the Court on sufficient cause being shown by the complainant.

(5) The interim competition payable under this section may be recovered as if it were a fine under section 421 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(2 of 1974).

(6) The amount of fine imposed under section 138 or the amount of compensation awarded under section 357 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973(2 of 1974), shall be reduced by the amount paid or recovered as interim compensation under this section."

From the bare perusal of foregoing provision itself, it emerges that the discretion is vested with the Trial Court to direct interim compensation to be paid to the complainant. The trial court may direct such payment only in apt cases and such a direction can only be given on a case to case basis by taking into consideration the facts of each case. What is of significance is that the legislature has not used the word "shall", since it would have probably prevented the accused persons, even in genuine cases, from defending themselves without paying 20% as interim compensation amount to the complainant. If that was to happen, the right to defence or claiming trial by the accused would be relegated to peril. The word "may" under Section 143A(1) of the Negotiable Instruments Act appears to have been intentionally provided for rather than “shall” which could have been presumed as mandatory.

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The court’s dockets are now also flooded with application under section 143-A of the Act and challenges made to such orders passed by the Magistrates before higher courts. With a view to alleviate the dockets of courts and also to crystalise the whole aspect in law it is more or less settled now. However, the judicial precedents in this regard shall have to be analysed for further clarity. 

THE HIGH COURT OF MADRAS in Crl. O.P. Nos. 15438, 15440 of 2019 and Crl. M.P. Nos. 7576, 7578 of 2019 in a matter captioned as L.G.R. Enterprises  Vs.  P. Anbazhagan had dealt with the issue.

It is of equal significance that along with that amendment Section 148 of the Negotiable Instruments Act was also brought into force which enabled the Appellate Court to insist for the deposit of 20% of the fine or compensation amount, awarded by the Trial Court against the accused person. The scope of this provision came up for consideration before the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Surinder Singh Deswal @ Col. S.S. Deswal and others Vs. Virender Gandhi in Criminal Appeal Nos. 917-944 of 2019. While considering the scope of the amendment, namely the Amendment Act 20 of 2018, the Hon'ble Supreme Court has held as follows:

7.1. The short question which is posed for consideration before this Court is, whether the first appellate Court is justified in directing the appellants - original accused who have been convicted for the offence under Section 138 of the N.I. Act to deposit 25% of the amount of compensation/fine imposed by the learned Trial Court, pending appeals challenging the order of conviction and sentence and while suspending the sentence under Section 389 of the Cr.P.C., considering Section 148 of the N.I. Act as amended.


While considering the aforesaid issue/question, the statement of Objects and Reasons of the amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act, as amended by way of Amendment Act No. 20/2018 and Section 148 of the N.I. Act as amended, are required to be referred to and considered, which read as under:

"The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (the Act) was enacted to define and amend the law relating to Promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange and Cheques. The said Act has been amended from time to time so as to provide, inter alia, speedy disposal of cases relating to the offence of dishonour of cheques. However, the Central Government has, been receiving several representations from the public including trading community relating to pendency of cheque dishonour cases. This is because of delay tactics of unscrupulous drawers of dishonoured cheques due to easy filing of appeals and obtaining stay on proceedings. As a result of this, injustice is caused to the payee of a dishonoured cheque who has to spend considerable time and resources in court proceedings to realize the value of the cheque. Such delays compromise the sanctity of cheque transactions.

The said Act with a view to address the issue of undue delay in final resolution of cheque dishonour cases so as to provide relief to payees of dishonour cases so as to provide relief to payees of dishonoured cheques and to discourage frivolous and unnecessary litigation which would save time and money. The proposed amendments will strengthen the credibility of cheques and help trade and commerce in general by allowing lending institutions, including banks, to continue to extend financing to the productive sectors of the economy.

"148. Power to Appellate Court to order payment pending appeal against conviction...

(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), in an appeal by the drawer against conviction under Section 138, the Appellate Court may order the appellant to deposit such sum which shall be a minimum of twenty per cent of then fine or compensation awarded by the trial Court:

Provided that the amount payable under this sub-section shall be in addition to any interim compensation paid by the appellant under Section 143A.

(2) The amount referred to in sub-section (1) shall be deposited within sixty days from the date of the order, or within such further period not exceeding thirty days as may be directed by the Court on sufficient cause being shown by the appellant.

(3) The Appellate Court may direct the release of the amount deposited by the appellant to the complainant at any time during the pendency of the appeal:

Provided that if the appellant is acquitted, the Court shall direct the complainant to repay to the appellant the amount so released, with interest at the bank rate as published by the Reserve Bank of India, prevalent at the beginning of the relevant financial year, within sixty days from the date of the order, or within such further period not exceeding thirty days as may be directed by the Court on sufficient cause being shown by the complainant."

It is the case on behalf of the appellants that as the criminal complaints against the appellants under Section 138 of the N.I. Act were lodged/filed before the amendment Act No. 20/2018 by which section 148 of the N.I. Act came to be amended and therefore amended Section 148 of the N.I. Act shall not be made applicable. However, it is required to be noted that at the time when the appeals against the conviction of the appellants for the offence under Section 138 of the N.I. Act were preferred, Amendment Act No. 20/2018 amending Section 148 of the N.I. Act came into force w.e.f. 1.9.2018. Even, at the time when the appellants submitted application's under Section 389 of the Cr.P.C., to suspend the sentence pending appeals challenging the conviction and sentence, amended Section 148 of the N.I. Act came into force and was brought on statute w.e.f. 1.9.2018. Therefore, considering the object and purpose of amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act and while suspending the sentence in exercise of powers under Section 389 of the Cr.P.C., when the first appellate Court directed the appellants to deposit 25% of the amount of fine/compensation as imposed by the learned trial Court, the same can be said to be absolutely in consonance with the Statement of Objects and Reasons of amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act.

Section 148 of Negotiable Instruments Act which has also come on the statute book in the year 2018 alongside section 143-A is however is therefore retrospective in operation as held by Supreme Court in Surinder Singh Deswal (Supra). It may be further elucidated that a complaint filed before the amendment, however, appeal was filed after the amendment, the deposit of 20% for preferring appeal before the appellate court is held to be mandatory.  It was observed and found that because of the delay tactics of unscrupulous drawers of dishonoured cheques due to easy filing of appeals and obtaining stay on proceedings, the object and purpose of the enactment of Section 138 of the N.I. Act was being frustrated, the Parliament has thought it fit to amend Section 148 of the N.I. Act, by which the first appellate Court, in an appeal challenging the order of conviction under Section 138 of the N.I. Act, is conferred with the power to direct the convicted accused - appellant to deposit such sum which shall be a minimum of 20% of the fine or compensation awarded by the trial Court. By the amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act, it cannot be said that any vested right of appeal of the accused - appellant has been taken away and or affected.; Therefore, submission on behalf of the appellants that amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act shall not be made applicable retrospectively and more particularly with respect to cases/complaints filed prior to 1.9.2018 shall not be applicable has no substance and cannot be accepted, as by amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act, no substantive right of appeal has been taken away and/or affected. Therefore, considering the Statement of Objects and Reasons of the amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act stated hereinabove, on purposive interpretation of Section 148 of the N.I. Act as amended, The Supreme Court has held that Section 148 of the N.I. Act as amended, shall be applicable in respect of the appeals against the order of conviction and sentence for the offence under Section 138 of the N.I. Act, even in a case where the criminal complaints for the offence under Section 138 of the N.I. Act were filed prior to amendment Act No. 20/2018 i.e., prior to 01.09.2018. If such a purposive interpretation is not adopted, in that case, the object and purpose of amendment in Section 148 of the N.I. Act would be frustrated. Therefore, as such, no error has been committed by the learned first appellate court directing the appellants to deposit 25% of the amount of fine/compensation as imposed by the learned trial Court considering Section 148 of the N.I. Act, as amended."

Now, coming back to Section 143-A of Negotiable Instruments Act, According to hon’ble Madras High Court the effect of Section 143-A of the Negotiable Instruments Act regarding its applicability to the pending cases, need not require a very detailed discussion and this Court can safely adopt the very same reasoning given by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in the above judgment. The amendment through which Section 143A was brought into force will be applicable even to pending proceedings. If such a purposive interpretation is not given to this provision, it will defeat the very purpose of amendment which was brought in as a beneficial piece of legislation for the complainant prosecuting a criminal complaint under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instrument Act.

According to madras High Court, the next question that arises for consideration is the manner in which this provision is to be put into operation in the pending proceedings.

A reading of the above provision makes it clear that the Court trying an offence under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act "may" (emphasis supplied) order the drawer of the cheque to pay interim compensation to the complainant. The provision itself shows that the discretion is vested with the Trial Court to direct interim compensation to be paid by the complainant. It is not necessary that in all cases, the trial Court must necessarily direct the complainant to pay interim compensation and such a direction should be given only on a case to case basis, by taking into consideration the facts of each case. The legislature has intentionally not used the word "shall", since it would have prevented the accused persons, even in genuine cases, from defending themselves without paying 20% as interim compensation amount to the complainant. This would have directly affected the fundamental right of an accused person to defend himself in a criminal case. This is the reason why the legislature had thoughtfully used the word "may" under Section 143A(1) of the Negotiable Instruments Act. Therefore, it is not possible to read the word "shall" into the word "may" which is used in the provision.

In view of the above finding, the word "may", gives the discretion to the Trial Court to direct the accused to pay interim compensation to the complainant. The exercise of discretion must always be supported by reasons, failing which the exercise of discretion will become arbitrary so held by madras High Court.

The parameter of “reasons” prescribed

It thus emerge that as per the guideline enunciated by hon’ble Supreme Court, the Madras High Court and Delhi High Court (the view of Delhi high Court shall be dealt with later) that, whenever the trial Court exercises its jurisdiction under Section 143-A(1) of the Act, it shall record reasons as to why it directs the accused person (drawer of the cheque) to pay the interim compensation to the complainant. The reasons may be varied. For instance, the accused person would have absconded for a longtime and thereby would have protracted the proceedings or the accused person would have intentionally evaded service for a long time and only after repeated attempts appears before the Court, or the enforceable debt or liability in a case, is borne out by overwhelming materials which the accused person could not on the face of it deny or where the accused person accepts the debt or liability partly or where the accused person does not cross examine the witnesses and keeps on dragging with the proceedings by filing one petition after another or the accused person absconds and by virtue of a non-bailable warrant he is secured and brought before the Court after a long time or he files a recall non-bailable warrant petition after a long time and the Court while considering his petition for recalling the non-bailable warrant can invoke Section 143-A (1) of the Act. This list is not exhaustive and it is more illustrative as to the various circumstances under which the trial Court will be justified in exercising its jurisdiction under Section 143-A (1) of the Act, by directing the accused person to pay the interim compensation of 20% to the complainant.

It was further held that the order by trial court should specify reasons in view of the fact that it will always be subjected to challenge before the high Court and in case reasons are given, the high court while considering the petition may only have to look into the reasons given by the Court below while passing the order under Section 143A(1) of the Act. An order that is subjected to appeal or revision should always be supported by reasons. A discretionary order without reasons on the face of it, illegal and it will be set aside on that ground alone.

It is thus clear that the word "may", gives the discretion to the Trial Court to direct the accused to pay interim compensation to the complainant. The exercise of discretion must always be supported by reasons as elucidated above, failing which the exercise of discretion will become arbitrary.

In CRIMINAL APPEAL NO. OF 2022 (Arising out of Special Leave Petition (Criminal)No. 2872 of 2022) captioned as NOOR MOHAMMED Versus KHURRAM PASHA the Three Judge bench of hon’ble Supreme Court on August 2nd 2022 had dealt with the issue of Section 143-A of the Negotiable Instruments Act.

After empowering the court to pass an order directing the accused to pay interim compensation under Sub-Section 1 of Section 143A, Sub-Section 2 then mandates that such interim compensation should not exceed 20 per cent of the amount of the cheque. The period within which the interim compensation must be paid is stipulated in Sub-Section 3, while Sub-Section 4 deals with situations where the drawer of the cheque is acquitted. Said Sub-Section 4 contemplates repayment of interim compensation along with interest as stipulated. Sub-Section 5 of said Section 143A then states “the interim compensation payable under this Section can be recovered as if it were a fine”.

The expression interim compensation is one which is “payable under this Section” and would thus take within its sweep the interim compensation directed to be paid under Sub-Section 1 of said Section 143-A.

The remedy for failure to pay interim compensation as directed by the court is thus provided for by the Legislature. The method and modality of recovery of interim compensation is clearly delineated by the Legislature. It is well known principle that if a statute prescribes a method or modality for exercise of power, by necessary implication, the other methods of performance are not acceptable.


The Supreme Court has held in para 14 of Noor Mohammad (Supra) that the concerned provision nowhere contemplates that an accused who had failed to deposit interim compensation could be fastened with any other disability including denial of right to cross-examine the witnesses examined on behalf of the complainant. Any such order foreclosing the right would not be within the powers conferred upon the court and would, as a matter of fact, go well beyond the permissible exercise of power.


Delhi High Court

 In JSB cargo and Freight Forwarder (P) Ltd Vs State 2021 SCC OnLineDel 5425 has held that the provision of Section 143 –A is directory in nature and not mandatory. The hon’ble Delhi High court had relied upon the Supreme Court judgment captioned as G.J. Raja vs. Tejraj Surana, Criminal Appeal No. 1160 of 2019 @ SLP(Crl.)No.3342 of 2019  , has examined the amended Section 143-A of the Act, 1881 and held that it is prospective effect and not retrospective effect. The relevant para of the judgment is reproduced below:--

―19. It must be stated that prior to the insertion of Section 143-A in the Act there was no provision on the statute book whereunder even before the pronouncement of the guilt of an accused, or even before his conviction for the offence in question, he could be made to pay or deposit interim compensation. The imposition and consequential recovery of fine or compensation either through the modality of Section 421 of the Code or Section 357 of the code could also arise only after the person was found guilty of an offence. That was the status of law which was sought to be changed by the introduction of Section 143A in the Act. It now imposes a liability that even before the pronouncement of his guilt or order of conviction, the accused may, with the aid of State machinery for recovery of the money as arrears of land revenue, be forced to pay interim compensation. The person would, therefore, be subjected to a new disability or obligation. The situation is thus completely different from the one which arose for consideration in ESI Corpn. v. Dwarka Nath Bhargwa, (1997) 7 SCC 131.

23. In the ultimate analysis, we hold Section 143-A to be prospective in operation and that the provisions of said Section 143-A can be applied or invoked only in cases where the offence under Section 138 of the Act was committed after the introduction of said Section 143A in the statute book. Consequently, the orders passed by the Trial Court as well as the High Court are required to be set aside. The money deposited by the Appellant, pursuant to the interim direction passed by this Court, shall be returned to the Appellant along with interest accrued thereon within two weeks from the date of this order.‖

Based on above the Delhi High Court has held as under:

52. The applicability of Section 294 of the Cr.P.C., 1973 has been made essential in all proceedings in criminal trials and undoubtedly, the proceedings under Section 138 of the NI Act, 1881 are termed to be quasi criminal in nature.

53. Furthermore, the observations of the learned Trial Court to the effect that even if it be assumed that the provisions of Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 is discretionary in nature, the Court is still clothed with the powers to grant interim compensation to the complainant after providing sufficient reasons, it is essential to observe that the award of interim compensation in terms of Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 has to be after providing sufficient reasons and whilst taking the same into account, the determination of interim compensation directed to be paid by the petitioners herein to the extent of the maximum of 20% of the cheque amount to the complainants without even considering the submissions that have been sought to be raised by the petitioners in relation to bank statements of the complainant and without resorting to the provisions of Section 294 of the Cr.P.C., 1973 cannot be held to be within the contours of Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 to be with sufficient reasons. Furthermore, there are no inherent powers conferred on a criminal court of a Magistrate de hors enabling provisions of a statute.

54. In view thereof, the impugned order dated 21.09.2021 of the learned Metropolitan Magistrate (NI Act), Digital Court-01, PHC/New Delhi in CC No.CC NI Act 12-20 titled as "SAVITA SURYAVANSHI Vs. M/S JSB CARGO AND FREIGHT FORWARDER PVT LTD" and in CC No.CC NI Act 100-20 titled as "SUNEEL SURYAVANSHI Vs. M/S JSB CARGO AND FREIGHT FORWARDER PVT LTD is set aside with the matter being remanded back to the learned Trial Court to dispose of the application under Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 filed by the complainants of the said complaint cases seeking interim compensation from the accused after invocation of Section 294 of the Cr.P.C., 1973 and considering the submissions that are made by the petitioner in response to the applications under Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 and taking into account that vide this verdict it is categorically held to the effect that the provision of Section 143-A of the NI Act, 1881 is directory in nature and not mandatory.


In Ashwin Ashokrao Karokar vs Mr. Laxmikant Govind JoshiTHE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT BOMBAY NAGPUR BENCH AT NAGPUR, CRIMINAL WRIT PETITION NO.48/2022 has held as under:


11. The exercise of any discretion conferred upon a Court, must be for reasons to be spelt out, indicating application of mind by the Court to the facts available before it in the application of the law to such facts. There are multitude of judicial pronouncements in this regard, which indicate the necessity for spelling out reasons in orders/judgments, which need not quote here. This is more so for the reason that reasons are the heart of an order/judgment and unless reasons are spelt out in the order/judgment, neither the litigant nor the Court before whom a challenge is laid to the exercise of such discretion, would be able to fathom what weighed with the Court passing the order/judgment to hold one way or another, and thus make the exercise of discretion, to be struck down for non- application of mind and thus any order exercising or refusing to exercise discretion to award interim compensation will have to spell out the reasons for exercise of such exercise.

Thus, Bombay High Court has also held that section 143(A) of Negotiable Instruments Act is directory and discretion is vested in the courts of Magistrate to grant compensation only in apt case or cases if there is overwhelming reasons to that effect, however, recording of reasons and application of mind by a Magistrate shall be a must.



It is therefore now settled that whereas section 143-A of Negotiated Instruments Act as inserted in 2018 in the Act prescribing for 20% of cheque amount of interim compensation payable to the complainant by the accused is not a mandatory provision. The concerned magistrate has a discretion to award compensation only in apt case and based on the guidelines laid down by hon’ble Supreme Court. Moreover, such a direction is passed by the Magistrate has to be based on reasons and the order qua payment of compensation should not be passed mechanically. The order of interim compensation in terms of section 143-A of Negotiable Instruments Act has clearly been held as not mandatory.


                          Anil K Khaware

Founder & Senior Associate



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